i took magni down laughably easy with the following build
Signet of Illusions
Earthen Shackles
Ash Blast
Slippery Ground
Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support
Summon Ruby Djinn
You Move Like a Dwarf!
Arcane Echo
Ebon Vanguard and Ruby Djinn are your main damage, Earthen Shackles will continuously snare due to the Ruby Djinn Casting Immolate. You Move Like a Dwarf serves multiple uses, snaring, interrupting, and providing a knockdown to activate ash blast. Slippery Ground allows you to knockdown your target a second time after ash blast has blinded them. Be sure you have at least 5 water magic or slippery ground will fail. There you have it, the surefire way to beat magni as a mes completely undamaged if done right.